더글러스 오로크(Douglas O'Roark) 전무이사
In addition to serving as the Executive Director of MC2, Doug leads the NSF-sponsored AIM-TRU research project at DePaul, which seeks to improve math teaching across CPS. Previously he led the secondary math component of the UChicago Urban Teacher Education Program and was the 1st teacher hired at Payton HS. He was awarded the Radio Shack National Teacher Award, the MAA’s Sliffe Award for Distinguished Math Teaching, the ICTM Rine Secondary Math Teaching Award, and the Museum of Math's 2020 Rosenthal Prize for Innovation and Inspiration in Math Teaching. The City of Chicago Math League and Payton Prep have awards named in his honor. He lives in the South Loop neighborhood with his wife, a researcher at UIC, and his 2 children, who are/were CPS students.
이메일: doug@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Sara Rezvi, Program Director
Sara is a doctoral candidate at UIC. Their research explores the intersections of veteran and pre-service teachers who work from a critical mathematics orientation. Working in community with other scholars, Sara has published in research journals including the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education [JUME]. Sara holds a Masters in Education and a Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics from the University of Chicago. She is also the winner of the Mary Bialas Prize, awarded to UIC students who demonstrate a strong commitment to issues impacting women and children. Prior to their work with MC2, Sara taught in New York City, Chicago, and Mexico, and is honored to share the joy of mathematics alongside children, teachers, and families each and every day. Sara's publications and invited talks can be found here: www.sararezvi.com
이메일: sararezvi@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Michelle Harton, Operations Manager
Michelle은 CPS의 Morgan Park 고등학교에서 13년 동안 가르쳤습니다. Michelle은 테네시 주립 대학교(TSU)에서 전기 공학 학사 학위를, 매사추세츠 공과 대학(MIT)에서 전기 공학 및 컴퓨터 공학 석사 학위를, 노스웨스턴 대학교에서 교육 및 사회 정책 분야 석사 학위를 받았습니다. 수년 동안 그녀는 Motorola에서 연구 엔지니어로 일했습니다. Michelle은 2018년부터 Math Circles에서 가르치기 시작했으며 은퇴 후에도 계속해서 자신의 역할을 확장하고 있습니다. 수학에 대한 사랑 외에도 그녀는 독서, 여행, 영화 관람, 비올라와 피아노 연주를 즐깁니다. 그녀는 결혼했으며 성인 자녀가 두 명 있습니다.
이메일: michelleharton@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Ameerah Sanders, 커뮤니케이션 및 데이터 도우미
Ameerah moved to Chicago after serving as an AmeriCorps member in Kansas City, MO, and as the Membership Coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kansas City. She graduated from the University of Missouri in 2017 with a BA in English. In addition to her work at Math Circles, she enjoys digital art and creative writing. She also has a passion for acting, live performance, and black cats.
이메일: ameerah@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Jocelyn Wilcox, Project Coordinator and Coach
Jocelyn takes great joy in the opportunity to be in and around young people. They have been involved in education for the past ten years in various settings, including public, private, international, home-based, and afterschool programs. Jocelyn got involved in Math Circles when they were looking for creative ways to enter into learning communities with youth–Math Circles definitely fit the bill. In their free time, they love crafting, reading, and playing board games.
이메일: jocelyn@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Lauren Szymanski, Payton 사이트 코디네이터
Lauren works in Chicago Public Schools as a MTSS coordinator, collaborating with her colleagues to provide tiered interventions and support for students. She is passionate about inclusive teaching practices that provide all students points of access and support needed to experience success in the classroom. Lauren earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Kent State University, a Master of Arts in Teaching at the University of Chicago's Urban Teacher Education Program, and a Master of Arts in School Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. Lauren joined the Math Circles community in 2018 teaching the Haynes 5th/6th curriculum at Payton. She supported the launch of Math Circle's virtual-based lessons in spring of 2020, and has also written curriculum for the new Cheng program serving 3rd and 4th graders. Outside of work, Lauren enjoys exploring nature, distance running and spending time with friends and family.
이메일: sitecoordinatorpayton@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Barbara Manjarraz, Back of the Yards 사이트 코디네이터
Barbara는 2013년 학교가 개교한 이래로 Back of the Yards College Prep에서 수학 교사로 재직하며 다양한 국제 학사 학위 과정을 가르쳤습니다. Barbara는 미네소타의 St. Olaf College에서 수학 학사 학위를 취득했습니다. 수학 외에도 그녀는 배드민턴 코칭, 두 자녀와 함께 축구 및 야구 경기에서 시간 보내기, 여행, 미네소타에서 가족과 함께 여가 시간을 보내는 것을 좋아합니다.
이메일: sitecoordinatorbackoftheyards@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Almasa Pecanin , Lane Tech 사이트 코디네이터
Almasa Pecanin은 2022년 봄부터 Chicago Math Circles에서 근무했습니다. 2018년부터 Lane Tech에서 미적분학 및 대수학 II를 가르쳤습니다. 여가 시간에는 시카고 시내 곳곳에서 콘서트를 관람하고, 오디오북을 들으며 호숫가를 산책하고, 가까운 사람들과 시간을 보내는 것을 즐깁니다.
이메일: sitecoordinatorlanetech@mathcirclesofchicago.org
Mat Wimberly, UChicago YSP Site Coordinator
Mat is currently the Business Coordinator for the Math Department at the University of Chicago. He moved to Chicago in 2016 after completing his B.S. at The University of Alabama and recently completed his M.S. Degree at Drexel University. In his spare time, he likes to see plays at Steppenwolf, play Ultimate Frisbee as part of the CMSA league, and spend time with friends exploring the city. He joined the MC2 program in Fall of 2021.
Jien Chen, 성 테레사 중국 가톨릭 학교 현장 코디네이터
Ms. Jien Chen is the Pre-Kindergarten teacher at St. Therese Chinese Catholic School. When she isn't teaching, Jien likes to spend time with her two older brothers and play with her corgi, Lulu. She also enjoys cooking, baking, and dancing,
이메일: jchen@sttheresechicago.org
Paul J. Karafiol, 이사회 의장
Paul has been committed to developing talent in young people since his first summer job as a counselor in the UChicago Young Scholars Program. He’s taught math at Phillips Academy, Providence-St. Mel School, and Payton College Prep. Currently, he serves as the principal of Lake View High School. Outside of school, Paul coached the Chicago-Area All-Star Math Team and is the head author of the American Regions Math League Competition. Awards Paul has received include the ICTM Flener Award, the MAA’s Edith May Slyffe Award, and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching. He lives in Hyde Park with his wife, three children (two of whom attend CPS schools), and two dogs.
Gary Jones, Treasurer
Gary Jones is President of Jones Partners, Ltd., an independent consulting firm in the electric power industry. He is a retired Senior Vice President and Owner of Sargent & Lundy, LLC, an international consulting engineering firm in the electric power industry, and served as a Senior Safety Engineer at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria. He founded the Chicagoland Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and has served on several boards of directors for non-profit organizations in the Chicago area, including EWB-Chicago, SALUTE, Inc. (which aids veterans and their families), and the Chicago Chapter of the American Nuclear Society. He also served on the Agassiz Local School Council.
He enjoys riding bicycles and geometry, and has a new interest in algorithms.
Sendhil Revuluri, Secretary, Founding Member
Sendhil Revuluri는 도움이 필요한 학교의 어린이들을 위한 기회를 개선하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 그는 현재 CPS 교육위원회의 부회장을 맡고 있습니다. 그는 이전에 주식 파생 상품을 거래했으며 사우스 브롱크스에 새로운 공립 고등학교를 설립하는 데 도움을 주었습니다(미국 수학 마스터 교사로 인정받았습니다). 그는 Bright Promises 재단의 프로젝트 위원회 의장을 맡고 있으며 최근 IMSA 동창회 부회장, 일리노이주 수학 교사 협의회 이사회에 선출되었으며 시카고 광역 리더십 펠로우입니다. 그의 가족은 플젠(Pilsen)에 살고 있으며, 그의 아내는 가난한 사람들의 삶과 기회를 개선하기 위해 일하는 비영리 단체의 임원이고, 그의 아들은 CPS 초등학교의 유치원생입니다.
재니스 잭슨
Dr. Janice Jackson is a Senior Fellow whose work at Carnegie focuses on equity issues, such as improving high school and college attainment nationwide and ensuring that African American, Latinx, and Indigenous students receive exemplary education and social and emotional support. She is the former CEO of Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Jackson’s tenure at CPS—the nation’s 3rd largest school district with more than 355,000 students, 38,000 employees, and an annual budget of $7 billion—is most notable for the results the district attained in advancing equitable outcomes for its students. Recently, Jackson was named CEO of HOPE Chicago, a nonprofit organization that seeks to reduce economic and social inequity by funding post-secondary scholarships and non-tuition costs for Chicago Public School graduates and adult family members.
Amie Wilkinson
Dr. Amie Wilkinson is a mathematician specializing in the field of dynamical systems. She is a professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago, and previously worked as a professor at Northwestern. Amie has taught classes in the previous incarnation of the Math Circles of Chicago, the Payton Math Citywide Math Circle, and is avidly interested in mathematical outreach. She has been the recipient of several honors for her mathematical research and exposition, including the Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize, the Levi Conant Prize, and has given talks at the International Congress of Mathematicians. She is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Amie lives in Lincoln Park with her husband, Benson Farb; their two children attended Chicago Public Schools.
아르카나 라나
Archana Rana is mom to two CPS kids and is passionate about making education accessible to all children. Professionally, she works at Mars Incorporated, leading their HR Operations Strategy team. Having spent half her life in India and the United States, she considers herself a global citizen. In her free time, she enjoys cooking foods from around the world. Archana lives in Little Italy with her husband and two children.
Troy Boccelli
Troy Boccelli is a CPS alumnus and lifelong Chicagoan. He became involved with Math Circles through his younger brother, a former Math Circles participant. He works for a real estate developer and asset manager. Troy grew up in Little Village and currently lives on the Near West Side.
Lawrence Tanzman
Lawrence Tanzman은 CPS 졸업생이자 Chicago Math Circles의 창립 멤버 두 명의 이전 학생입니다. Lawrence는 시카고 주식 파생 상품을 거래하는 금융 회사에서 근무합니다. Lawrence는 금융 수학에 대한 Math Circle 세션을 가르쳤으며 매년 QED Math Symposium에서 Guesstimathon을 주최하고 있습니다.
베니타 존스
Benitta Jones is a STEM specialist for a Chicago public school in the Little Village community. She is passionate about ensuring that students have access to STEM careers. Before transitioning into this role, Benitta served as a high school mathematics instructor for 15 years. Benitta is a Chicago native, CPS alum, and she currently resides in the North Kenwood community with her husband and daughter.
Gail Ward
Gail was the founding principal at Walter Payton College Prep, one of the city’s most accomplished selective enrollment high schools. After leaving Payton, Gail was named Chief Officer of the CPS Office of Principal Preparation and Development. Gail was appointed to Chicago Board of Education June 2015 by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Retired since 2008, Gail is currently a trustee on the
시카고 역사박물관; 골든애플재단(Golden Apple Foundation) 이사; 수학에
Circles Board of Chicago; and the Advisory Board of SESP at Northwestern University; and the
Advisory Board of Bennett Day School in Chicago. Gail is a frequent traveler and has visited schools in Africa, China, India, Europe, and the Middle East.
Corey Morrison
Corey Morrison is the Director of Mathematics for Chicago Public Schools. Mr. Morrison has served as a math teacher, department chair, and most recently, the assistant principal of Kenwood Academy where he oversaw the math and science departments. Throughout his 12-year career, he has championed creative ways to provide access and opportunities for all students to achieve advanced levels of mathematics. With a passion for helping all students and teachers find their math identity, he is committed to expanding the love of mathematics across the district.
호세 바카
Jose Baca (he/him) was born and raised on Chicago’s South Side to a father from Michoacán and mother from Monterrey. A product of CPS from K-12, he was able to attend the University of Miami after, graduating Cum Laude.
Foundation/ Corporate Supporters
Hewlett Packard
$25,000 -$49,999
Lohengrin Foundation
브린슨 재단
Richard Barry Charitable Foundation
$15,000 - $24,999
Albert Pick Jr. Fund
$10,000 - $14,999
Helaine Edgar 기회 기금
Helen Brach Foundation
Jane Street
$5,000 - $9,999
Finkelstein Pollack Foundation
University of Chicago
$1,000 -$4,999
Jewel Osco
AMS Epsilon Fund
Desjardins/ Blachman Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation
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