MC2 holds math circles in more than 50 locations around Chicago. Our Hubs are open to students attending any school, as are our Summer Camps. We have After School Programs (ASPs) south, west, and north; these only serve children from the respective schools that host a program. Our Hubs and ASPs are our core programs.

MC2 is about providing access to high quality math enrichment for all students. That's why you'll find us all across the city. And every year we add more locations!

  • Registration for the lottery for our winter session opens on 12/3 and the winter lottery itself will run on 12/15. (Fall students can re-enroll, skipping the lottery, as long as they do during that time window).



Project Exigent at Austin College & Career Academy

Who: Brahmagupta-7/8, Cantor-A1/G

Where: Austin College & Career Academy, 231 N. Pine St., Chicago, IL 60644

When: 10:30AM to Noon

Winter Dates: 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15

Back of the Yards

Back of the Yards High School

Who: Cheng-3/4, Haynes-5/6, Brahmagupta-7/8

Where: Back of the Yards College Prep, 2111 W 47th St, Chicago, IL 60609

When: Saturdays, Cheng-3/4 10:00AM to 11:00AM; Haynes-5/6 and Brahmagupta-7/8 10:00-11:15AM; Cantor-A1/G 10:00-11:30AM

Winter Dates: 1/11, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8


St. Therese Chinese Catholic School, St Barbara Campus

Who: Cheng-3/4, Haynes-5/6, Brahmagupta-7/8

Where: St. Therese Chinese Catholic School,

2859 S Throop, Chicago, IL 60608

When: Wednesdays, 4:30-5:45PM (Cheng-3/4 will end at 5:30)

Winter Dates: 1/15, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12--canceled, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12

Hyde Park

UChicago Young Scholars Program (YSP)

Who: Students in grades 3-12, All Program levels

Where: University of Chicago, Eckhart Hall, 5734 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

When: Saturdays, 1:00PM and 2:20PM

Other site specific information: Cheng-3/4 sessions will run from 1PM to 2PM and 2:20PM-3:20PM; Sessions for Haynes-5/6 and Brahmagupta-7/8 run from 1:00-2:10PM and also from 2:20-3:30PM; Cantor-A1/G will run from 1PM -2:30PM. [Note: We will NOT be running Kovalevsky-A2/PC at UChicago this winter.]

Winter Dates: 1/11, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8

Old Town

Payton High School

Who: students in grades 3-12; All Program Levels

Where: Payton High School, 1034 N. Wells St., Chicago, IL 60610

When: Saturdays, 1:00PM and 2:20PM

Other site specific information: Cheng-3/4 sessions will run from 1PM to 2PM and 2:20PM to 3:20PM; Sessions for Haynes-5/6 and Brahmagupta-7/8 run from 1:00-2:10PM and also from 2:20-3:30PM; Cantor-A1/G will run from 1PM-2:30PM and Kovalevsky-A2/PC will run from 1:00PM-3:00PM

Winter Dates: 1/11, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8

North Center

Lane Tech High School

Who: Cheng-3/4, Haynes-5/6, Brahmagupta-7/8

Where: Lane Tech High School, 2501 W. Addison St, Chicago, IL 60618

When: Thursdays, 5:00PM-6:15PM (Cheng-3/4 will end at 6:00PM)

Winter Dates: 1/16, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13

Summer locationS

MC2 Summer
The lottery for our summer camps will open on April 7th and the lottery will run on May 4th. These camps include our middle school programs (for Rising 6th grade to 9th grade) and high school program (for rising 10th - 12th grade).

MC2 Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th/9th Grade Program

Back of the Yards High School, 2111 W. 47th St.

Payton High School, 1034 N. Wells St.

Austin College and Career Academy, 231 N. Pine St.*

Summer 2025:

  • 7/7-7/18, 9AM-noon, Payton HS & Back of the Yards HS
  • 6/30-7/31, 8:30AM-12:30PM, Austin College & Career Academy, Monday-Thursday, Rising 7th and Rising 8th/9th only*
  • Qualifying students at  Back of the Yards and Austin can receive a stipend

Each day of the camp features a welcoming environment, an emphasis on community building, and a main math circle activity.
Note: Rising 9th graders can participate ONLY if they were NOT enrolled last summer in the Rising 8th MC2 summer program.

MC2 Rising 10th/11th/12th Grade Programs

Juarez HS, 1450-1510 W. Cermak

In 2025 MC2 will offer two week-long high school level camps:

  • Category Theory with Eugenia Cheng, 7/7-7/11, 10AM-12:30PM
  • Statistics and Data Science with UChicago professors, 7/14-7/18, 10AM-12:30PM

Qualifying students can receive a $150 stipend for each week of participation. Students can sign up for one week or for both weeks.
Other Chicago Summer Programs

Project Exigent, Rising 9th to 12th Grade

Austin College & Career Academy, 231 N. Pine, 6/30-7/31, Mondays to Thursdays, 8:30AM-12:30PM

Exigent is the collaborative work of Chicago Public Schools mathematicians on Chicago’s West Side. The ultimate goal of Exigent is to send those same students  back to their local schools equipped and motivated to seed, sprout, and grow advanced mathematics programs at their respective schools.


Rising 9th-12th, UIC Young Scholars Program

UIC East Campus

7/7-8/1, 9:15AM-3:00PM

UIC YSP runs 4 separate 1-week sessions from 7/7 to 8/1; each week is different, and students can choose to attend 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks when they apply. Apply here! Priority Deadline May 1st

Rising 7th-12th, UChicago Young Scholars Program

UChicago Eckhart Hall, 5734 S. University

6/30-7/25, full days Monday-Thursday, half days on Friday.

Apply here, due by April 11th! Note that you'll need a teacher to complete a short questionnaire as part of the application.

Payton HS: MC2 Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th/9th Programs


Back of the Yards HS: MC2 Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th/9th Programs


Juarez HS: MC2 Rising 10th-12th Grade Programs


Austin College & Career Academy: MC2 Rising 7th, 8th; Project Exigent Rising 9th - 12th


UIC Young Scholars Program


UChicago Young Scholars Program

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Middle Schools Throughout Chicago

MC2 partners with more than 30 schools to provide 3rd–8th graders (and in a few cases, high schoolers) with after-school math enrichment. Unlike our Hubs, these programs are only open to students at the participating school, and they typically meet weekly. Currently, we have After School Programs in these neighborhoods: Albany Park, Austin, Back of the Yards, Belmont Central, Bridgeport, Buena Park, Edgewater, Gage Park, Heart of Chicago, Hyde Park, Kenwood, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Little Village, North Lawndale, Pilsen, South Chicago, South Lawndale, West Elston, West Ridge, and Woodlawn. Interested teachers and administrators can learn more here.

Math Circles of Chicago in Chicago, IL, can be reached at info@mathcirclesofchicago.org

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