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College pathways

What is MC2 College Pathways?

Launching in Summer 2025, Math Circles of Chicago College Pathways is for all ninth to twelfth grade students in Chicago to get access to university-level mathematics, explore careers in math education, and connect with other young mathematicians. In particular, we aim to create pathways to higher education and careers in STEM for underrepresented groups.

Math Enrichment & Research Pathway

Attend math circles, local and national summer math camps, and conduct math research through QED, Chicago's Youth Math Symposium. If you are new (or newer) to Math Circles of Chicago, this is a great way to get started. It is also great for students with more experience who are interested in continuing to grow their own competencies in STEM fields during the academic year or summer. This pathway has a strong emphasis on helping students enroll in summer math programs. Additional programming to build community between students in the research pathways, or to learn more about STEM careers may be offered throughout the year.

Math Enrichment & Education Pathway

For students interested in mentoring students in math education and exploring the profession of teaching. Students in this pathway work as High School Assistants in our middle school math circles. Students must be at least 16 years of age by July 1 of the year they will begin working as assistants and have some experience throughout their College Pathways to apply. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis between March and May for Summer. Students accepted into this pathway will begin in Summer and are expected to continue teaching in the Fall and Winter. Limited spaces may open to other MC2 CP students in the Fall or Winter based on program needs.

MC2 Scholars

For our most distinguished seniors a select number of students can apply to be recognized as MC2 Scholars and earn a $2000 Scholarship to be paid upon graduation from high school. Being recognized as an MC2 scholar comes with benefits beyond the potential to earn this financial incentive. MC2 scholars who have built a resume of extracurricular math experiences across their time in the pathways program also get access to MC2 advising on admissions for selective STEM programs. MC2 scholars joinin a joyful community of people -- high school students, public school educators, graduate students, and other community stakeholders -- who share your passions and who can be peers or mentors. MC2 scholars continue their extracurricular mathematical pursuits in their senior year (i.e. they should continue to work on math research or assistant teach in math circles for MC2).


  • Who is this program for?

    MC2 College Pathways is for all high school students with an interest in STEM or education. Like the city of Chicago itself, our program is diverse. Some of our students have been doing math circles since middle school, others are just getting started as high schoolers. 

    We want you to find your own pathway to mathematical success and confidence through our programming, and we believe we can help all students find opportunities that fit their needs.

  • How do I get started?

    Fill out this interest form!

    You will then set up a 15 minute video call with the High School Program Manager so we can get to know more about you, your math background and your goals so we can best put you on a pathway that works for you.

  • Who can apply?

    We are seeking students who meet any (but not necessarily all) of the following descriptions below:

    • Rising 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students
    • Students who are intellectually curious and seeking opportunities to grow their mathematical abilities
    • Students who are looking for opportunities to grow their teaching skills
    • Students looking to build a resume of extracurricular STEM experiences for college or post-secondary careers
    • Students from neighborhoods and who have been historically underserved by STEM education.
  • Can I apply if I'm not in CPS?

    While Chicago Public Schools students are our primary audience, we will consider the applications of students from parochial schools, charter schools, or independent schools in Chicago or the nearby suburbs on a case-by-case basis. Please complete our interest form.

  • Who qualifies for stipends?

    Students who can demonstrate by tax return that they earned less than $75,000 in income OR who attend a high school with  ≥ 75% students with economic disadvantage can qualify for stipends for participating in MC2 College Pathways.  

    Stipends and scholarships earned will be paid to students by May 31 of each academic year they participate in College Pathways. 

    Students will need to provide a Zelle-linked email address or phone number to receive any stipends they qualify for.

  • Is the interest form a commitment?

    While we hope you'll participate in College Pathways, no, the interest form is just an opportunity for us to get to know better what kinds of opportunities you're looking for so that we can help support you in finding the best math pathways for you.

Math Circles

MC2 runs high school math circles at our hubs and some after school programs aimed at students currently enrolled in Algebra 1 or Geometry (Cantor), or in Algebra 2 and beyond (Kovalevsky & Euler). Registration is now open!

Summer Camps

With the first cohort of students recruited for Summer 2025, college pathways students can work as assistants in middle school math camps or enroll in their own Half-Day  summer math camp programming is offered for high school students on a variety of topics. Get really deep into problem solving this July! Check out this blog post for some opportunities for summer math camps both local to Chicago and around the USA!


Students work on original STEM research in the Fall and present their projects in December. Student papers and presentations are read and evaluated by Chicago mathematicians and STEM professionals. You can learn more about QED here!

High School Assistants

High School Assistants are paid for preparing lessons, assisting in middle school math circles, and for reflecting and growing their teaching practice with education professionals. The HSA program is particularly designed for students with an interest in pursuing education as a profession. Teachers mentor students every step of the way to develop math teaching skills, assist student research, and serve as ambassadors and liaisons between elementary school math circles and MC2 HS.

MC2 Scholars

MC2 Scholars are among our most distinguished seniors who are ready to take the next step into advanced math spaces. MC2 Scholars can come from either the math enrichment and research pathway or the math education pathway. MC2 supports these students and their families with the  admissions process, financial aid, and other practical logistics for both undergraduate programs and supplemental math programs including camps and other enrichment activities.

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