Proven Results


Chicago students have participated in MC2 programs since 2012.


of MC2 students live in underserved communities.


of students say MC2 made them more interested in math.

MC2 measures its impact in several ways. Our mission is to provide opportunities for all children across Chicago to develop a passion for mathematics. So we want to reach a lot of students. And we want those students to be representative of the city. Reaching these students is not enough—we want them to get more interested in math, persist in studying ‘extra’ math for years, and help others develop their interest in mathematics. We also want to have an impact on our teachers, particularly those teaching in public schools. 

NEW! Check out our 2024 Annual Report!


Enrollment Graph – Chicago, IL – Math Circles of Chicago

Math Circles of Chicago is officially the largest math circle in the US (and likely the world). In 2022–23, we served over 2,000 students. This achievement is particularly remarkable because, (1) all of our programs are free, and (2) we have a highly engaged community of teachers that provides programming that we think is second to none. MC2 is a new model, where access is provided to all students across a major city through geographic (and online) reach, through developing welcoming classroom environments for everyone participating, and by removing the financial barrier to participate.

Enrollment by Program Graph – Chicago, IL – Math Circles of Chicago

We’ve grown through our unique approach to working to reach ALL students by holding sessions in multiple settings. We have in-person Hubs (like the University of Chicago and Back of the Yards High School) where children from any school can attend. We also have ‘Online Hubs’--a carryover from the stay-at-home COVID era—where children can participate from home. We piloted our after-school programs in the 2019–2020 school year at two schools, and we now serve 25 schools. Our partners include homeless and domestic violence shelters, community centers, and partner STEM Programs like Mapscorps. Our summer programs, festivals, and QED, our Math Symposium, have had explosive growth over the last few years.

Enrollment Graph – Chicago, IL – Math Circles of Chicago

Math Circles of Chicago is officially the largest math circle in the US (and likely the world). In 2023–24, we served 4,000 students. This achievement is particularly remarkable because, (1) all of our programs are free, and (2) we have a highly engaged community of teachers that provides programming that we think is second to none. MC2 is a new model, where access is provided to all students across a major city through geographic reach, through developing welcoming classroom environments for everyone participating, and by removing the financial barrier to participate.

Enrollment by Program Graph – Chicago, IL – Math Circles of Chicago

We have three levels of programming, all of which have grown substantially over the last 5 years.

  • Level 1: Math Festivals
  • Level 2: Math Circles
  • Level 3: Summer Camps and QED: Chicago's Youth Math Symposium

In the last two years our Level 1 programming has exploded. In 2022-23 we held festivals at a handful of schools; in 2023-24 we held 30 such festivals! (Our success here has been built upon the amazing work being done by the Julia Robinson Math Festival organization).

Level 2: Math Circles is our 'bread and butter'. We hold these both at Hubs, locations where any child can attend, and After School Programs (ASPs) in public schools in Chicago. We reached 300 students the past few years and we hope to double this number.

We push children to get to Level 3, summer camps in math and QED, our annual math symposium. The growth of our festival work is strategic, leading to dramatic growth in our upper level programs in upcoming years!


MC2 has grown large; it has also grown intentionally. We look to add 5 After School Programs each year, chiefly on Chicago’s South and West sides. We will also be adding a 3rd summer camp site in 2025 at a location on the West side TBA!

Over the last three years the percentage of Black and Latino students we serve has increased from 47% to 69%, and the percentage of students who attend schools that are majority Low Income has risen from 37% to 64%. The percentage of girls in our programs was 46% in 2024. 


MC2 takes teacher development and teacher community very seriously, and it pays off in how our students respond to our programs. Overall satisfaction in our programs is 93%. 81% of our students say their math circles experience has made them more interested in mathematics, and 72% now identify as a math person.

Over the years we’ve collected many testimonials--you can see some of those quotes below. Additionally, here are three stories that show the power of our work in a deep way.



More than 100 people teach for MC2. Our After School Programs are generally led by middle school teachers. Our Hubs are taught by a wide mix of classroom teachers, graduate students, professors, math enthusiasts in other careers, along with undergraduate and high school assistants. 

We believe that teachers improve by participating in a thriving community of practice. When teachers come to workshops, get coaching, talk to each other online, and reflect with each other after they teach, they get better and better at what they do. Our data shows that our teachers are happy and are part of a thriving teaching community.



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