芝加哥学生自 2012 年以来一直参加 MC2 项目。
的 MC2 学生生活在服务不足的社区。
的学生表示 MC2 让他们对数学更感兴趣。
MC2 用多种方式衡量其影响力。我们的使命是为芝加哥所有儿童提供培养数学热情的机会。因此,我们希望接触到很多学生。我们希望这些学生能够代表这座城市。接触这些学生是不够的——我们希望他们对数学更感兴趣,坚持多年学习“额外”数学,并帮助其他人培养对数学的兴趣。我们还希望对我们的老师产生影响,特别是在公立学校任教的老师。
新品!查看我们的 2023 年年度报告!
芝加哥数学圈是美国(也可能是世界)最大的数学圈。 2022-23 年,我们为 2,000 多名学生提供了服务。这一成就尤其引人注目,因为:(1) 我们所有的课程都是免费的,(2) 我们拥有高度参与的教师社区,提供我们认为首屈一指的课程。 MC2 是一种新模式,通过地理(和在线)覆盖范围、为每个参与者创造欢迎的课堂环境以及消除参与的经济障碍,向主要城市的所有学生提供访问权限。
我们通过独特的方式在多个环境中举办课程,努力让所有学生受益,从而不断发展壮大。我们拥有面对面的中心(如芝加哥大学和 Back of the Yards 高中),任何学校的学生都可以参加。我们还有“在线中心”——这是居家隔离 COVID 时代的延续——孩子们可以在家参加。我们在 2019-2020 学年在两所学校试行了课后项目,现在我们为 25 所学校提供服务。我们的合作伙伴包括无家可归者和家庭暴力庇护所、社区中心以及 Mapscorps 等合作 STEM 项目。我们的暑期项目、节日和 QED(我们的数学研讨会)在过去几年中取得了爆炸式增长。
芝加哥数学圈是美国(也可能是世界)最大的数学圈。2022-23 年,我们服务了 2,200 多名学生。这一成就尤其令人瞩目,因为:(1) 我们所有的课程都是免费的,(2) 我们拥有一个高度参与的教师社区,提供我们认为首屈一指的课程。MC2 是一种新模式,通过地理(和在线)覆盖,通过为所有参与者打造温馨的课堂环境,以及通过消除参与的经济障碍,为大城市的所有学生提供访问权限。
我们通过独特的方式在多个环境中举办课程,努力让所有学生受益,从而不断发展壮大。我们拥有面对面的中心(如芝加哥大学和 Back of the Yards 高中),任何学校的学生都可以参加。我们还有“在线中心”——这是居家隔离 COVID 时代的延续——孩子们可以在家参加。我们在 2019-2020 学年在两所学校试行了课后项目,现在我们为 25 所学校提供服务。我们的合作伙伴包括无家可归者和家庭暴力庇护所、社区中心以及 Mapscorps 等合作 STEM 项目。我们的暑期项目、节日和 QED(我们的数学研讨会)在过去几年中取得了爆炸式增长。
MC2 规模不断扩大,而且是有意为之。我们每年都会增加 10 个课后项目,主要在芝加哥的南部和西部。因此,在过去三年中,我们服务的黑人和拉丁裔学生的比例从 47% 增加到了 74%,就读于低收入学校的学生比例从 37% 增加到了 67%。我们项目中的女生比例稳步上升,到 2023 年将达到 51%。
MC2 非常重视教师发展和教师社区,而这从学生对我们课程的反响中可见一斑。学生对我们课程的总体满意度为 92%。82% 的学生表示,数学圈的经历让他们对数学更感兴趣,我们的课程也很有趣。67% 的学生现在认为自己是数学爱好者。
MC2 有 100 多人任教。我们的课后课程通常由中学教师领导。我们的中心课程由各种各样的课堂教师、研究生、教授、其他职业的数学爱好者以及本科生和高中助教授课。
"I like how my teach tries to include everyone in conversations and activities. He also helps me think deeper about problems."
"She was told she was not good at math by someone (we do not know who). And while we talked to her about it and tried to convince her otherwise but we did not have much of an impact. But here in Math Circles she is in classes and keeping up with people she thought were smarter than her, and she did not think she could work with on an equal basis but she is enjoying it and getting better grades in math (A is first trimester of 6th grade and she had all B’s in math in 5th grade)"
"It really has helped my daughter want to be better at math. She even thinks math is now a little cool! That’s new for her because math is not her best subject."
"I look forward to coming back to math circles. The environment is very welcoming, the teachers and students are kind, and the topics we cover are quite engaging."
“I like the new problems and puzzles I never knew math had.”
“I would like to come back to Math Circles, because it is engaging and speaks to me in a way that normal math class doesn’t.”
"One of the former Math Circle students asked me today if we were going to have Math Circles this year. When I said that I was hoping to start it, she said 'Yes!' enthusiastically. This student cried anxiously about an upcoming division unit last year and was reluctant to speak in math class at the beginning of fifth grade. " -An MC2 Afterschool Teacher
"I think Math Circles does a nice job of offering ways to get involved iwith the Math Circles community. Such as opportunities to view someone else teaching a lesson, ways to collaborate with other instructors including a portal to share lesson reflections and dialogue about each others' successes and ways to improve. "
"Really appreciate the collaboration and feedback, online supports and lesson plans---keep doin what you're doin!"
"As I consider my career next steps, I think about Math Circles and the programs that it has enabled me to bring to my students (i.e. Math Festival, QED) and it increases my desire to stay in the classroom. Math Circles facilitates and cultivates the joy in teaching and learning that first drew me to to the work, and helps to counteract some of the push factors to leave the field."
"Math circles for me has been very sustaining. It's something I always look forward to, and really can lean into on days that don't go as planned. It brings me so much joy. "
"Sometimes I think "wow, I wish I had this level of autonomy in my classroom all the time, I don't want to work in a school classroom," but I do think that teaching for MC2 reminds me what is possible for me but especially for students in a way that pushes me to actually make that happen at school. I can go back into the classroom because I can see the effects of open-ended tasks that foreground collaboration on student success."