QED is an opportunity for students to investigate fun math puzzles, real world problems or computer games using math of their own creation.    QED is a Math Symposium that is like a Science Fair except the projects are based on the use of math or computer science.  Students choose their own topics, whether it be explaining how a game works, to creating a new game, to investigating a challenging math problem, or using math to explain or propose solutions to a real world problem.  QED 2023 is anticipated to be held at Payton Prep the morning of December 9th.

Pre-Registration for QED 2023 is closed. It will re-open October 1st, 2023. If you have questions, email qed@mathcirclesofchicago.org

Thank you!

  • What is a Math Symposium?

A Math Symposium is similar to Science Fair, except that the projects focus on math instead of science. The math projects can be extensions of classroom problems or competition problems that a student has found interesting. QED is the name of our Math Symposium. QED is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “quod erat demonstrandum,” which is commonly used to signal the completion of a mathematical proof. We hope that QED will foster students’ interest in mathematics and, in so doing, showcase Chicago’s strength in mathematics. 

  • What's it like?

QED takes place Saturday, December 9th, 2023 at Payton HS. In 2023, more than 100 students present their original math research, judged by math professors, graduate and undergraduate students, and teachers. Students get meaningful feedback on their projects.  They get shirts, pizza, books, free software, and an opportunity to qualify directly for the City STEM Fair! Many QED students participate in the Illinois State Science Fair, and a few have been Regeneron Finalists Click here for the full information sheet.

Getting Help with a project

MC2 provides many supports for students interested in QED. This document gives a list of several projects produced in previous years so you can see what a QED paper looks like. This one gives links to resources across the web that can help you develop project ideas. MC2 works with a number of PhD students and other math aficionados who are willing to mentor students one on one. We also give workshops that students can attend to help them develop a QED project idea. 

 When, Where, What It's Like

QED takes place Saturday, December 9th, 2023 at Payton HS. In 2023 More than 100 students present their original math research, judged by math professors, graduate and undergraduate students, and teachers. Students get shirts, pizza, books, free software, and an opportunity to qualify directly for the City STEM Fair! Many QED students participate in the Illinois State Science Fair, and a few have been Regeneron Finalists Click here for the full information sheet.

Getting Help with a Project

MC2 provides many supports for students interested in QED. This document gives a list of several projects produced in previous years so you can see what a QED paper looks like. This one gives links to resources across the web that can help you develop project ideas. MC2 works with a number of PhD students and other math aficionados who are willing to mentor students one on one. We also give workshops that students can attend to help them develop a QED project idea. 

QED Prep and the Big Day

This document will give you instructions about formatting your QED paper, making a display board, and more. See the rubrics for our Junior/Intermediate and Senior Project levels, along with the rubric for Computer Science Projects. Agenda: December 9th, 2023

[See the QED website for the event agenda]

Helping Out with QED

Graduate students, undergraduates, teachers, and math people in our community, we need you! Each year we need judges, administrative help, Guesstimathon runners, and more! If you'd like to volunteer to participate in making QED a reality, sign up now!

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