While schools are opening, the outlook for summer programs still looks virtual. While that’s disappointing for all of us who have been stuck at home, the good news is it does make national summer programs accessible–along with some spring programs as well.
1. Consider registering for the National Math Festival which will run April 16th-18th. It’s a chance for kids of all ages to interact with the world’s most interesting mathematicians!
2. The Museum of Math’s Summer Programs will be held from June 28th to September 3rd. You can sign up by the week (sessions are 9AM-3PM eastern, aka 8AM-2PM Central time), and they have programs for students in three grade bands–rising 1st-3rd, 4th-6th, or 7th-9th.
3. Wolfram produces the ultimate math software, Mathematica. For many years Wolfram has supported MC2’s Annual Symposium, QED.
The week of June 14th Wolfram’s Middle School Summer Camp is open to middle school girls ages 11-14. Admissions are on a rolling basis, so apply soon! Participating students will learn to think computationally in order to address problems in math, the humanities, or whatever is of individual interest. Their high school camp runs from July 1st to the 17th, and mixes, science, math, and technology.
4. The Summer STEM Institute runs for six weeks starting on June 20th. It’s a research and data science boot camp, a lecture series, and mentorship program all rolled up into one. Apply by April 16th; you must be at least 13.
5. High Schoolers, want to learn about Artificial Intelligence? AI Foundry is a 10 week bootcamp led by AI researchers, inspired by Stanford’s AI curriculum. You can learn more about the AI Foundry Program through their website: https://www.
6. Math Circles of Chicago does plan to offer camps for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, and possibly high school students. We expect our camps to run in July, and expect to make an announcement about the registration process in the next few weeks!
7. To learn about other camps, check out this blog post
from last year.
Finally, teachers, think about applying to the Park City Math Institute. Applications are due by April 5th–it will change your life!
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