As MC2 has expanded over the last five years, we’ve kept an eye on our surveys. We don’t want to increase enrollment at the expense of lowering the quality of our programs. I’m happy to say that the fall results are in, and 92% of our students Agree or Strongly Agree with the statement, “Overall I am very satisfied with my experience in math circles.” 84% said MC2 made them more interested in math.
Given that we’ve been online, it’s a testament to our teachers that these satisfaction rates are so high. Our students wrote things like, “I really liked the kindness of everybody,” “My teachers were great, that’s the only note I wanted to share. I had a fun time!”, and “The teachers were really nice and made me want to come to the meetings!”
We survey our teachers too. 98% agreed that, “I am highly satisfied with my work as a Math Circles instructor.”
Peyton Morgan, pictured here, led 8 MC2 sessions at 3 sites this fall.
I think the number 2 reason why we do our work well is that we have the right values–empowerment, inclusion, access, student agency, and the promotion of student collaboration. But the #1 reason for the quality of our work is that we have over 60 teachers that are committed to these values. Many of these teachers lead very busy lives, yet make the time to teach MC2 sessions on late afternoons and on weekends.
Moreover, we managed to have three teachers at almost every online session this fall. This could have been an overwhelming financial burden to our organization, but many of these teachers taught voluntarily. I particularly want to thank the undergraduate and high school students who stepped up when we made a plea for volunteers in September so we could meet the demand for our online programs.
It’s the time of the year to give thanks. Thank you to our teachers, without which MC2 wouldn’t exist, but more importantly our teachers are the reason why MC2 is so good at what it does!
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501(c)3 Non-Profit #EIN 45-2071512